S'khumba crafts footware

S’khumba products are made to last. Over time, S’khumba leatherware will age with you, picking up character along the way, making each item uniquely yours.

SA/UK sizes 4 - 13 / EU sizes 37 - 47

5 reviews for Willow

  1. Isabel Bern

    These are so comfortable. They become softer each time I wear them. I wear them all year round. As is in summer and with socks in winter. I love them!

  2. Michelle Brits

    I bought a pair of Willow Sandals about 10 years ago, I live in mine, best purchase ever. Excellent quality and super comfortable. Still look like they can go for another 100 years

  3. Bruwer

    My first pair of willow sandals are on their second set of soles, but the upper are still great and worn almost daily. My second pair is kept as Sunday dress. Absolutely the most versatile shoes in my cupboard, ready for the beach, bush or braai

  4. Andrew Wallace

    On my 2nd pair in the last 12 or so years – have mostly stopped wearing other shoes. Am buying another pair this weekend as gift for a friend……….absolutely love them.

  5. Jurgens Dietrichsen

    I bought my first pair (Willow) in 2007. Still holding up till today. Best by far. Looking to prurchase another pair soon.

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(5 customer reviews)

Strappy Close-Toe Sandal

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